Love on Top 2024 in beautiful photos

September 11, 2024

Yohomo Team


Photos of our beautiful day together for you to share, frame, kiss and reminisssss

We are so proud of this party. We are humbled every year by all your support and love and energy and fashion and dancing and twirling and flirting. We are family, and Love on Top is the annual family reunion we all need, you know?

We have a million thank yous, they include YOU, our beautiful leader team, door team, bar team (that we put together ourselves this year, and we are in love with!), our installation team, our dancers, our DJs, Craig, our sound team, food vendors and partners WhiteClaw Canada and Felix . And to our pals and the friendly team at.

A big NO thank you to NoiseTO and your relentless efforts to stop this city from having any fun, outdoors, on a weekend, during Pride... but let’s keep things positive ;)

We keep growing all the time and it’s thanks to our collective community efforts and energy. We love you. Thank you. All photos as always, by the gloriously gifted Wade Muir.

Here are our SELECTS HERE , but if you'd like the full gallery, you can goi HERE , just please tag @weareyohomo and @wademuir and live your life!