Because it's always so confusing, we've put all the info and locations in one spot
After a full month of showing the world that we are the best at partying, Pride Month comes to its much-anticipated juicy climax.
At a time when those around the world who hate us are hard at work trying to eradicate us, we come together – spectators and marchers alike – in our tens of thousands, at the centre of this hard city, to – with our boldness, our strangeness, our beauty and our strength – crack open its ribs, hold its heart in our hands, and cry with pain, with hope, and with joy: We exist! Our love is real! And we will NEVER stop!

At 7pm on June 28, marchers will rally at the intersection of Church and Hayden Streets, to listen to speakers, hug and kiss friends old and new, and do any last minute prep on their signs.
The march begins at 8pm with revellers proceeding north on Church Street to Bloor Street, west along Bloor to Yonge Street, South on Yonge to Gould Street, and then east along Gould to the Community Stage at 78 Gould Street. There the festivities will continue.
Link: https://www.pridetoronto.com/events/trans-rally-march-pride/
At 1pm on June 29, marchers will begin to gather at Church and Hayden Streets, listening to speakers, enjoying performances, and putting the finishing touches on their signs as folks trickle in.
At 2pm the march will begin, following the same route as the Trans March. So, again, folks will proceed north on Church Street to Bloor Street, west along Bloor to Yonge Street, South on Yonge to Gould Street, and then east along Gould to the Community Stage at 78 Gould Street.
At the Community Stage, there will be a community fair and afterparty complete with performances, DJs, envoys from community groups, and various dyke vendors.
Link: https://www.pridetoronto.com/events/dyke-rally-march-pride/
At 2pm on June 30, the parade will begin at the corner of Church and Bloor Streets, head west along Bloor to Yonge Street, south on Yonge to Dundas Street, and then west along Dundas to Nathan Philips Square, where music and performances will go on into the night.
Link: https://www.pridetoronto.com/events/pride-parade/
Map: A map detailing the routes of all three marches, as well as locations of info booths and water stations, can be found here: https://www.pridetoronto.com/festival-map-and-areas/
This article is not associated with Pride Toronto.