Jan 29
6:00 pm
9:00 pm
Three Dollar Bill
1592 Queen Street West
Free entry (but it's a potluck)

Our friends @parkdalefoodbank are reopening on Wednesday, January 29 in their brand new space at 5 Brock Ave and to celebrate the spirit of community and food security, we’re hosting a potluck!
Time: 6-9pm
Place: Three Dollar Bill, 1592 Queen St West
Details: If you have the means and time, we invite you to bring a dish to share, however not necessary to attend! Please have a list of ingredients to display and ensure that your dish is ready-to-serve.
Open to everyone in the community!
Thanks to the generosity of @donniedaiquiri and @dandurandwinespirits, we will have some delicious drink features with proceeds being donated to @parkdalefoodbank to support their incredibly important work in our community!
Please DM on socials with any questions
#threedollarbillparkdale #parkdale #queercommunity #queerbartoronto #foodsecurity #communitycare