Feb 8
1:00 pm
4:00 pm
Glad Day Bookshop
499 Church Street

We know it is tough to meet new people in Toronto! Glad Day brings you a new way to meet new people - working on a jigsaw puzzle together!
This is great for queer singles and people who want to make more connections.
How does it work?
You will choose the kind of table group you want to be with. You will have 3 hours to work on a puzzle. If there are enough people, we might mix up the tables half way through so you meet even more people.
For this one your choices are:
Sapphic 30-50
Sapphic 40-60
Sapphic over 50
Sapphic - any age group (30+)
Guys for Guys 30-50
Guys for Guys 40-60
Guys for Guys over 50
Guys - any age group (30+)
T4T - any age group (30+)
QTBIPOC - any age group (30+)
Any one, any age (30+)
As with all our events, this is trans and non-binary inclusive.
The cost is $7 per person, but we encourage you to also give a small donation to Glad Day Lit to help us keep offering events like this.
Want to come but short on funds? We have some fully subsidized spots, just email vip @ gladday.ca