Moon Swoon




Sep 17

8:00 pm

11:00 pm


Three Dollar Bill

1592 Queen Street West



Moon Swoon is an interactive full moon ritual! This full moon on September 17th known as the harvest moon brings forth abundance, romance and the bounties of the summer!!

Come join me in ritual with an interactive alter dripping with candlelight, surrounded by luxurious meats and cheeses and sip on some wine or featured cocktails! Come manifest your desires and have your cup filled with light and love!!! Lets go into the colder months by letting things go and preparing to slow down and let fall sink in. Let’s bring in joy as the days get shorter and let your desires set in this fall season!

This ritual will have a focus on abundance and all things plenitful! The price of your ticket includes a full moon ritual, snacks and a drink ticket. Can’t wait to share this magical night with you!


Tuesday September 17

8pm - 11pm
