Nov 17
2:00 pm
8:00 pm
Three Dollar Bill
1592 Queen Street West
PWYC (cash only)

Fundraiser for the Staff of Peaches: Community Care in Action
Join us on Sunday, November 17 at 2pm as the former staff of Peaches Sports Bar take-over Three Dollar Bill. Peaches, a beloved queer sports bar in Parkdale was forced to close suddenly, leaving the staff unpaid, without tips and in need of community support.
For so many of us, Peaches was more than a bar; it was a place of acceptance, celebration, and solidarity. This event is about rallying together to take care of the staff who made Peaches such a special space.
- Food by Neon Supper Club and Drink Specials from: TBD
- Performances from Maya Pinion (@theonly.opinion), Cherry Bomb (@casscervi) and Jade Haley (@jade_haley)
- A Raffle with incredible prizes donated by the Community @shamefultikito, @shakeelrehemtulla_ceramics, @6doomer, @klute_hair and many more!
- A silent auction for a painting by @shannonsandwell valued at $2500!
- Fun Games!
- Screening of the Grey Cup
Whether Peaches was a second home, a place to meet friends, or somewhere to celebrate who you are, let’s come together to give back to the staff who made it possible.
** A portion of proceeds from the Food & Bar will go directly to support unpaid wages for Peaches’ former employees
**All funds from PWYC donations, the raffle & games will go directly to support unpaid wages for Peaches’ former employees.**
Let’s show up for each other and honor the spaces that keep us connected.
**See you at 2 PM on November 17!**
Please keep in mind the event is CASH ONLY