Jan 31
6:00 pm
8:30 pm
The Bentway
250 Fort York Blvd

The 519 Trans Youth Mentorship Program (TYMP) invites 2 Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse youth (ages 16-29) to the first Trans Youth Social, for a fun time ice skating!
Meet us at The Bentway [250 Fort York Blvd] on Friday, January 31, from 6 to 8:30pm.
Trans Youth Socials are open to 2 Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse youth (ages 16-29) only. We ask cis allies, friends, partners, and family not to attend.
You do not need to be enrolled in TYMP to participate in Trans Youth Socials. The Trans Youth Mentorship Program is a great way to meet peers and make friends. TYMP participants can also get community referrals to programs and services they might find useful for their lives.
Visit The519.org for more info or check our ticket link.
[Image description: A close-up image of someone's feel skating on ice. Text reads, "Trans Youth Socials: Ice Skating Night. Friday, January 21, 6 to 8:30pm, The Bentway, 250 Fort York Blvd.]